Mandarin Proficiency Test- Advanced Challenge 1 / 20 Part I- Listening Listen to the audio texts and questions, tick ONE correct answer to each question. Why don’t Xiao Min’s parents like Xiao Min’s boyfriend? a. He is too old b. He is too fat c. He is uneducated 2 / 20 Can Peter understand Peking opera? a. Yes b. No c. Partially 3 / 20 What is Lao Hu’s secret about his healthy look? a. Have a simple life b. Have a special diet c. Do not stay up late 4 / 20 Which description is the most appropriate for Xiao Li? a. He is not interesting b. He is very stingy c. He is very shy 5 / 20 What did Lily say about her husband? a. He is careless b. He is big and tall c. He often gives Lily phone calls 6 / 20 What does Master Zhang mean? a. The car cannot be fixed at all b. The car can be fixed with no problem c. He has no time to fix another car 7 / 20 What did the couple say about Lao Tang? a. He is stealing the chicken b. He is stealing the eggs c. He is keen on taking petty advantages 8 / 20 What advice did Lao Liu give to Mark? a. Talk to the Chinese client first b. Give the Chinese client a gift but not a green hat c. Take the Chinese client out for lunch or dinner 9 / 20 Why was the speaker upset? a. She forgot the umbrella b. Her husband forgot to buy chicken c. She had to cook chicken soup for her husband 10 / 20 Why is Xiao Wang reluctant to change his job? a. He has more freedom at his current job b. He has no colleagues at his current job c. He never listens to his parents’ advice 11 / 20 Part II- ReadingRead the texts, tick ONE correct answer to each question.Text 1 杨教授这个人搞研究一套一套的,可是到了上课就是“茶壶煮饺子”——倒不出来。学生们投诉的投诉,转课的转课,口碑差极了!1/10. Why does Professor Yang have a bad reputation? a. Because he is not good at making dumplings b. Because he is not good at delivering lectures c. Because he is only focusing on research 12 / 20 Text 2 我们公司每年举行一次员工歌唱比赛,到如今已经是第十七届了。今年的独唱比赛定在下周五,对于这场比赛我很有把握,一定能拿冠军,你们就等着我的好消息吧!2/10. Which statement matches the text best? a. I am very confident to win the contest b. I am going to sing chorus in the contest c. There are 17 candidates in the contest 13 / 20 Text 3 今天早上,某航空公司值机柜台来了一位旅客办登机手续。当工作人员打开护照,看到旅客的出生日期时,觉得对方长得与护照上的年龄不符,于是忍不住多看了这位旅客几眼。工作人员正犹豫着是否开始办手续,站在柜台前的旅客开口了:“请您相信,这绝对是我本人,虽然我长得着急了些。”3/10. Why did the airline staff hesitate to check in the passenger? a. He looked older than his passport photo b. He looked younger than his passport photo c. He looked very handsome 14 / 20 Text 4 老王去某餐馆吃饭,他认为鸡有点儿不新鲜。老王马上叫来了经理说, 鸡馊了,让他给换一盘。经理说:“我们的鸡是今天刚进来的,怎么会馊呢?换一盘也还是一样的呀!”老王于是要求退款,经理却不同意。一来二去两人的口角升级。老王生气地一拍桌子说:“我去市政部门告你们!咱们走着瞧!”说完就扬长而去。4/10. What is Lao Wang going to do to the restaurant? a. Sue them to court b. Report them to the city council c. Come back to revenge 15 / 20 Text 5 好消息!为了响应市政厅推广清洁能源的号召,阳光太阳能公司将在七月一日之后,为居民免费安装太阳能板,可以节约家庭用电高达54%!凡是住独立屋, 双拼,联排别墅的居民,都可以申请。名额有限,申请从速,以免向隅。----阳光太阳能公司推特5/10. Who is qualified to apply for free solar panel installation? a. All residents b. Residents who are living in apartments c. Residents who are living in houses 16 / 20 Text 6 在当今的演艺圈,据说存在着这样一种怪现象:一个人要当明星必须靠炒作,哪怕是负面的绯闻, 丑闻什么的,都没关系,只要把名气炒上去,就可以身价倍增,财源滚滚。而那些靠演技的演员很多时候却乏人问津, 连试镜的机会都没有。6/10. Why do the actors who have good acting skills have no audition opportunity? a. Because they have no scandal b. Because they have no money c. Because they do not hype themselves 17 / 20 Text 7 如今,越来越多年轻人不婚的原因有很多,男生向往自由的单身生活,女生则渴望独立自主。但是,最根本的原因是现在的年轻人愈发自我中心,而成功的婚姻往往需要夫妻双方互相迁就,互相包容,也就是俗话说的,“睁一只眼闭一只眼”。7/10. Why are more and more young people staying single nowadays? a. They don’t have a wider vision b. They are more self-centred c. They are less independent 18 / 20 Text 8 现在有些“熊孩子”,既不听家长的话,也不听老师的话,软硬不吃,油盐不进,很难管。教育专家们建议,对待这样的孩子,与其严厉批评或者反复教育,倒不如换位思考一下,交流起来可能会容易得多。8/10. What advice have education experts given to parents? a. Parents should be more strict to children b. Parents should be more patient with children c. Parents should think of issues from children’s perspectives 19 / 20 Text 9 如今大城市里手机“低头族”越来越多,连行人过马路时也忙着低头刷手机,非常危险。有些城市因此在繁忙的交叉路口安装了地面红绿灯。可是,这种做法难道不会变成“好心办坏事”,从而造成更多的“低头族”吗?9/10. Are the in-ground traffic lights helpful? a. Yes b. No c. Unsure 20 / 20 Text 10 好几年前,我家乡的那条河被镇上的乡镇企业化工厂废水给污染了,每天都散发着臭气,河里的鱼虾也早死光了。今年春节我回老家过年,惊奇地发现,河水又变清澈了,臭味也没有了,小鱼小虾们又回来了!原来乡政府采取了很多措施,比如引进废水处理设备,宣传教育民众,补贴渔业养殖等等,终于把臭河治理好了!10/10. What measures are not mentioned in stopping the pollution? a. Training the factory workers to process the waste water b. Import the waste water process facilities c. Subsidise the fish farms Your score is